The Plan of Salvation
God’s plan for your life is simple…
About Jerry Vines
I have been a Baptist pastor/preacher for over 50 years.
y ministry has taken me from country and neighborhood churches in Georgia to a large city church in Alabama and then to the First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida.The purpose of Jerry Vines Ministries is the same as my purpose has been during these fifty years – to win people to Christ and to help those who know Christ grow in their Christian lives.
In particular Jerry Vines Ministries is an extension of my ministry. Providing Bible preaching and teaching materials. Books, DVDs, and CDs of expository teaching from God’s Word have been prepared to help busy pastors, Sunday School teachers and other Christian workers. Jerry Vines Ministries is publishing my expositions of Bible books. Also, I am providing weekly sermon outlines, audio messages, illustrations, helpful quotations, humor, etc. for those who choose to be a part of our subscription family.
In addition, Jerry Vines Ministries is holding “Power in the Pulpit” conferences to help pastors become more effective in the preparation and delivery of expository sermons. Further plans call for Senior Adult and topical conferences. I hope you will become a vital part of this new and exciting outlet God has provided for me to reach the lost and teach the saved!
- Dr. Jerry Vines is a native of Carrollton, Georgia. He was educated at Mercer University (B.A.), New Orleans Theological Seminary (B.D.), and Luther Rice Seminary, (Th.D.).
- He was elected President of the Alabama Pastors’ Conference in 1976, President of the Southern Baptist Pastors’ Conference for 1976 -1977. He also served two terms as President of the Southern Baptist Convention from 1988 – 1989.
- Dr. Vines accepted the call to be pastor at First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Florida, in July 1982 and retired from the pastorate in February of 2006.
- Dr. Vines’ interests include Alabama football. It’s a year-round passion! He also enjoys spending his free time in the Smoky Mountains with his family, especially his grandchildren! While there, it is a tradition for him to frequent The Old Mill restaurant for breakfast in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.
- He and his wife, Janet, have four children: two daughters, Joy and Jodi, and two sons, Jim and Jon. He and Mrs. Vines also have seven grandchildren: Brittney, Ashlyn, Jay, Caroline, Catherine, Jack and Carson.
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Integer ac cursus neque, at tristique mauris. Suspendisse sed velit ante. In metus nunc, varius sollicitudin rutrum eu, varius ac nisi. Vivamus id diam est.
Pellentesque pretium arcu molestie fermentum suscipit. Curabitur et laoreet eros. Proin tincidunt, neque ac laoreet facilisis, nibh turpis consequat ipsum, cursus auctor metus sapien a arcu. Phasellus condimentum felis nec sodales hendrerit. Aliquam non gravida quam, eget pharetra mauris. Proin eu viverra tortor. Integer bibendum erat orci. Curabitur molestie tempus risus placerat sed.
Integer pulvinar elit erat, vitae sagittis tortor accumsan facilisis. Curabitur vel cursus eros. Integer convallis sodales dolor, at feugiat dolor laoreet vel. Mauris porttitor diam ut pulvinar ultrices.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin non blandit nibh. Sed eget tortor tincidunt, auctor sem eget, mollis nisi. Nullam mollis sapien viverra, malesuada orci eget, mollis mauris. Nunc commodo leo nec egestas hendrerit. Proin tincidunt mauris sed blandit imperdiet. Etiam nulla nisi, malesuada eu justo laoreet, lobortis congue libero. Duis sit amet urna vitae sem facilisis cursus.